Monday, July 31, 2006
Sleeping in rubber
At least that was the plan. I got rubbered up at 6pm last night with the intention of staying rubbered all night. However,my hands let me down - they got too wrinkly and sore. Also, the sweat leakage became a problem. Would hand craem help, or should I try bigger gloves/gauntlets?
Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Masks and Tubes

You remember the Israeli gasmask was a bit tight? Well the new mask turned up today and it fits very well, specially with the new open face hood that came with it. Both the mask and hood have been polished so they look really good. The mask also came with some attachments ie: a tube and a rebreathing bag. It is such a rush! When the mask and tubes are first put on air flows freely, but seal the little spigots and you only have whats in the bag to

Monday, July 24, 2006
Enclosed again!!
Fully enclosed sans mask right now. I will add the mask at approx 9pm bst (its about 8pm now).
I have repaired the collar of the suit with only partial success, but I am sure it will be ok once I use enough rubber solution.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Better news
I can where my glasses inside the gasmask!! Am now trying for an endurance record until 11pm tonight. Three quarters of an hour so far, another three quarters to go. Pretty sweaty!n
At this very moment...
I am fully enclosed, bar the mask. Unfortunately there has been a minor set back. The collar of the suit has come away from the body aaagh. Looks like it'll be off toHalfords for a puncture repair kit. Still feels damnable sexy though - is there a lady rubberist in the Mnachester area who wouldlike to saqhje my joy?
Friday, July 21, 2006
Bad news
I lost the Murray & Vern suit. However I am now in the running for a transparent rubber suit - how cool is that!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Ooh its hot!!
Despite the heat on Britains hootest day I HAD to have another enclosure session yesterday. Having learned my lesson, I put the talced suit on first, followed by the socks, gloves, hood and mask. The mask it still a bit tight, but the feeling is soooooo gooood. MMMMMh.
Spent approx 30mins enclosed. Not really long enough, so there are going to be changes:
- I bought that other gasmask/bag set mentioned earlier. It wasnt that much more, and comes with a longer necked hood. Should come next week and I cant wait!
- The zip of the catsuit is dangerously tight down there, if you get me. I have therefore purchased a pair of latex bermudas for added protection (and more latex tightness of course!).
- The current set up leaves me quite free to move, and will wear out my suit if I'm not careful. I have therefore bid on a neck corset and a new suit. Pictures willfollow if I win them.
Yours sweatily
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Enclosure complete

Well, I did it:) Finally got all the way enclosed. The only fresh air that could touch my skin was at the back of my neck. Considering how hot it is in Manchester at the moment it felt amazingly good as the sweat built around my body.
Some lessons though:
- Put the mask on last.
- Mask is a bit sore on the forehead and chin. Might try a different mask.
- The neck air gap needs to be looked at - either a higher collar or longer necked hood is required.
- NEVER pee inside the suit. I assumed it would gather in the sock for future disposal, but no it leaked out through the zip and down my leg.
- Dont use the lube supplied with the suit -it makes your hands slippery so you can't pull the suit on.
Thats enough for now - its time for a long cold drink!
Quick Update
Everthing is here! The mask and rubber socks came yesterday - tonight I will be completely sealed in tight hot rubber. The mask really fits well, and breathing is just restricted enough, so tonights the night. Wish me luck!
Friday, July 14, 2006
First Enclosure

Well, somewhat to my surprise the suit came first, and it is fantastic. I thought I had ordered a neck entry suit, but to my immense pleasure it has a full length zip which can be worn at front or back. Its size S, made my Latexa of Germany ( and is spectacularly tight!
Although the gasmask and socks havn't arrived yet I have been enclosed. God it feels good. I have finally found my natural state - rubber covered! As you can see from the crappy pictures! Might be time for a new camera.
Now all I really need is to find a woman who shares my new passion...
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
What next?
Time to bring you all up to date. We are now in real time. Having found I really did enjoy rubber, my aim became total enclosure, a bit like this but obviously as I am male the end result will be somewhat different. I decided what I would need are
- A Catsuit. So I bought this
2. Gloves and socks. So far the gloves have arrived and the socks are on there way. Gloves smell fab.
3. A gasmask. What I really wanted was

But as bidding has got beyond my (low) limit I bought this

Delivery should be later today. I will let you know how I get on with it!!
The hood
So the hood arrived. Looks a bit sinister. Time to try it on! First I applied a little talc to the inside,and gave it a bit of a stretch - would it even fit? Here goes.
At first it kept springing back off my hair, but I found the technique was to pull it wide to the sides then pull quickly down - Im in!
It feels fantastic as the rubber sticks to my face and the sweat builds. The eye holes are too small, and I have to breath hard to get air through the smallish nostrils, but it was only cheap so these may yet be adjusted - but what a rush, what a smell. Time for some more gear!
Before the Beginning
Hi, and welcome to my blog.
I have developed a fetish for rubber and shiny clothes, which has been with me since childhood. However, I have only now, in my lateish 30's been able to do anything about it. I kept it secret from my wife and kids, but now that they do not live with me I have the opportunity!!
Being completely honest I wasn't sure I would actually like it in practice, but there was obviously only one way to find out - but some gear and try it on; but what to buy first?
After months of browsing ebay I chose the first piece, a simple moulded black rubber hood, with eye and nose holes but no mouth. But would I like it?