Beginnings in rubber

Friday, October 13, 2006

Le nouveau Suit Est Arrivee!

It came! It came! And here it is

The latex/rubber is thinner than the old black suit, so it is comfier, but bloody hell is it hard to zip up. I wore my old bermuda shorts underneath (to aid the waterproofing), and it was dead easy to put on up to doing up the shoulder zips, but they took ages to do up. It was worth it though:)

I hope you have all notice the improvement in picture quality.

As mentioned above, once on it is dead comfy, so I wore it for 3.5 hours, almost leak free. There were however a couple of pints in the feet to disposes of. Time to use the piss drain pants again I think!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A New Suit

I've got a bit bored with black, and I was fed up with leakage issues lol, so its time for a NEW CATSUIT. Its the same make and size as the current suit, so I know it will be comfy, but this one is red and has shoulder zips, so there is no annoying zip to keep my front stiff. Also has attached feet and gloves, soo should be completely leak prood. Could this be the suit to sleep in? Photos (sightly better I hope!) will follow when the suit arrives.